Friday, November 1, 2013


When you work with someone, they are full heartily putting their trust and money in you. If you violate that trust, it will take much longer for them to over come that, then the money that they lost.

Think of someone who is looking for a job. They go to a person they hardly know and ask for a job. When the person says no, they ask that they pass their resume around to others that may be interest. The question here is why would they do that?! They have no trust in you to go and pass your resume around.

Rather if you are looking for a job, take your resume to people that trust you, and ask them to give it to their friends. Look for trust and work within that range.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lets Lie....

Sarah is on eBay. She inputs "Puma Running Shoes" into the search field, and presses enter. There it is, her dream sneaker. She imagines herself running in those sneakers. She imagines a better Sarah. A more fit, sexier, Sarah. Sarah 2.0. She clicks Buy it Now and happily sits back and waits for her shoes to come. All while imaging how sexy she will look and all the new doors that will open for her!

Sarah is lying to herself. No sneaker is ever going to make you sexier or open new doors for you, only you can do that. Yet every single one of us does this. We all lie to ourselves. I've done and do it. (I did it a lot with Legos as a kid). As marketers we need to tap into this.

How does a brand take a $3 shoe made in china and sell it for $120? It's all about the experience. Puma has spent years developing a brand that gives you an experience that makes you think that if you purchase their shoes you will become their brand. How can you take your brand and make it an experience?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is the glass half full.....

The people that are successful are ones that have dreams and go after them.

When someone envisions the worst happening rarely are they let down. When this attitude towards life is chosen not only does it bring down the person envisioning it, but also the people around them.

Now this negative person is going to be right now and again, simply because that is the course of life. We have good times and bad times. How you choose to get through those times is what counts.

Surrounding yourself with people that are positive, is going to have a positive effect on your life. Find those people and keep them close.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Painter or Artist....

Everyday people sit down and paint the same thing over and over. They then take this painting and sell it over and over again, same old same old. An artist sits down and creatively comes up with works of art that stand out from every other painting.

Every company wants to get their product out faster and make sales. A company that thinks like an artist though doesn't worry about rushing to get sales, but rather focuses on the customer. For example, Olive Gardens gives you a bowl of pasta, you eat, then you leave, but a restaurant that makes every bowl of pasta a work of art and puts their heart and soul into making that bowl of pasta the best experience possible, are artist.

Art is putting the customer first and making them feel human. It means giving your customers the number of your competitor, because you know that your competitor will do a better job in that particular situation.  Art isn't in the rule book, it's something new, it's something fresh.

So many companies are painters. Making the same thing over and over, by being an artist your opening yourself up to the customer and being personal. People will connect to people that are creative and generous!

In your company or at your work, can you be more of an artist, and less of a painter?

(Also, I love Olive Garden! Their pasta is amazing. So One Love brother.)

Old Spice Creates....

When creating buzz for your company you don't want to use conventional advertising or marketing ideas. Today while watching the Eagles play on TV this 18 second commercial ran. 

Look at the top comments. People love this commercial, and quite frankly any commercial from Old Spice. But what makes it so great? It pushes two of the Buzz Buttons. Its outrageous and its hilarious. Who has lizards chewing on a NFL players legs? And not only chewing but singing a song about it?

But theres something deeper here. This commercial has content, and not only does Old Spice create one commercial with content, but it makes multiple ones. If you look on the right of the youtube page there are multiple commercials with just Wes Welker. (That's the guy in the video). Consumers love this stuff! They want to be entertained, and they will sit through each commercial just to see if another skit, that was just outrageous and hilarious as the original, will come on, just to get a laugh.

Another example is the Jack Links Beef Jerky commercials, "Messin with Sasquatch". Jack Links has multiple different commercials with content, each where the Sasquatch gets teased and then the Bigfoot turns and beats the people. Its funny, its outrageous, and its unusual! An consumers will sit through the boring commercials just for the chance to see the Sasquatch beat on the people that teased him.

So my question to you is can you push the buzz buttons of outrageousness and hilarity with your brand? You may not have the budget to run a TV commercial, but YouTube is free, or maybe a Vine channel (Take batdad for example, he's all over the news). Sit down and get creative. It's not hard, you just have to stop confining yourself to a box.